Canine Myofunctional Therapist, Mal Lynch, with her treasured best friend, Daisy, a rescue girl from the wonderful,
Lort Smith Animal Hospital.
Mal is a fully qualified and experienced canine masseuse, with her areas of expertise including pre
and post-surgery; performance dog massage, and maintenance massage . Her own dog, Daisy, has been the recipient
of many massages following her two knee replacements and major surgery to both hips. (Daisy is a rescue girl from Lort
Smith Animal Hospital).
Her professional affiliations are:
- Full Member of HATAA (Holistic Animal Therapies Association of Australia) -
- Committee Member of FOMDAC (Friends of Manningham Dog and Cats Association)
Australian Bush Flower Essence training was undertaken in 2005 and 2006. Practitioner status
is currently being applied for.
Magnetic Therapy (such a powerful tool) is also used in her massage routine.
Bowen Therapy for Small Animals is currently being studied with world-respected Elizabeth Mitchell.
Continuing education in the field of animal massage is of great importance to Mal and she is expanding
on her skills by further study of Animal Naturopathy / Homeopathy commencing 2006.